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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Info about Purdue Northwest?

Hello! I've heard great things about Purdue University, but I also came across Purdue Northwest. Where is it located, and is it similar to the main campus? Does anyone have experience with this campus?

6 days ago

Purdue Northwest (PNW) is a regional campus of Purdue University, and it is located in Northwest Indiana with two campuses, one in Hammond and the other in Westville. Although it is part of the Purdue University system, it is a separate institution from the main Purdue University campus in West Lafayette.

Purdue Northwest may not have the same extensive resources, extracurricular offerings, and size as the main Purdue campus, but it still provides a quality education with smaller class sizes and a tight-knit community. Since it is a regional campus, it primarily serves students from the surrounding areas and may have a larger percentage of nontraditional, part-time, and commuter students.

While some degree programs at PNW are similar to those offered at the main campus, the range of programs is smaller, with a focus on areas such as Engineering, Business, Nursing, and Education. Like the main campus, Purdue Northwest offers a robust hands-on learning experience for students, with opportunities like undergraduate research, internships, and community involvement.

If you are looking for the resources and prestige of the main Purdue campus, you should consider applying there instead. However, Purdue Northwest can be a great choice for students who prefer a smaller campus environment and are interested in the programs the regional campus has to offer.

6 days ago

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