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SAT: 720 math
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Pomona College ranking and reputation?

Hello everyone! I'm considering applying to Pomona College, but I'm not sure about its current ranking and reputation. Can someone provide me with that info and share their thoughts on the school? Much appreciated!

4 months ago

Pomona College is a highly regarded liberal arts college located in Claremont, California. As of 2024, it is ranked #4 in the National Liberal Arts Colleges category by U.S. News & World Report. This prestigious ranking is due to its strong academic programs, rigorous curriculum, and small class sizes, which foster close relationships between students and professors.

In terms of reputation, Pomona College is part of the Claremont Colleges consortium, which also includes prestigious institutions like Claremont McKenna College, Harvey Mudd College, Scripps College, and Pitzer College. This consortium allows students to take classes at any of the five colleges, which broadens academic and social opportunities. Additionally, Pomona's location near Los Angeles provides access to internships, job opportunities, and cultural experiences.

Pomona is well-known for its strong liberal arts education, which encourages students to explore a wide range of subjects before choosing a major. The college offers over 48 majors in various fields such as the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and fine arts. Some of the popular majors include economics, psychology, political science, and biology.

The college's commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive environment is also noteworthy. They offer substantial financial aid packages and maintain a need-blind admissions policy for domestic students, which means that applicants are evaluated solely based on their merit, without considering their ability to pay for college.

Overall, Pomona College has an excellent reputation, and attending this institution can provide you with a strong liberal arts education, numerous academic and social opportunities through the Claremont Colleges consortium, and access to a vast alumni network. If you're looking for a small, close-knit community focusing on undergraduate education within a larger consortium, then Pomona College might be a great fit for you.

4 months ago

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