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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What majors can I choose from at FIDM?

Hey y'all, so I'm considering applying to the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising and was curious about the variety of majors they offer. If you're a student there or have knowledge about their programs, would you mind sharing with me some of the most popular or unique majors available?

21 days ago

FIDM (Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising) has a variety of majors related to fashion, design, and merchandising. Some of the most popular and unique majors include:

1. Fashion Design: This program focuses on developing creative and technical skills to design and produce original clothing and accessories.

2. Merchandise Marketing: Students in this major learn about developing marketing strategies, retail buying, product development, and merchandising to drive profits in the fashion industry.

3. Interior Design: This major teaches the concepts of space planning, textiles, lighting, and more to create visually appealing and functional interior spaces in residential and commercial settings.

4. Apparel Industry Management: This major covers the production, manufacturing, and supply chain aspects of the fashion industry, including sourcing, quality control, production management, and more.

5. Textile Design: In this major, students learn to create intricate, innovative patterns and prints for fabric used in fashion, interiors, and various other industries.

6. Visual Communications: Students who choose this major learn about creating effective visual displays and experiences in retail environments or fashion events.

7. Graphic Design: Focused on the principles of design, typography, and color theory, this major is geared towards training skilled graphic artists specialized in the fashion industry.

8. Beauty Business Management: This major delves into understanding the business aspects of the beauty industry, including branding, marketing, retailing, and product development.

These are just a few of the many majors available at FIDM. The school offers a diverse range of programs to accommodate different interests within the fashion, design, and merchandising fields. You can explore their website for more comprehensive information on each major, including course descriptions and career opportunities.

21 days ago

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