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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Ivy Early Decision Results: when are they released?

Hey everyone, I applied Early Decision to an Ivy and I'm getting really anxious waiting for the results. Does anyone know when Ivy League schools typically release Early Decision decisions? Any help would be appreciated!

a year ago

Hey! It's completely normal to feel anxious while waiting for your Early Decision results. Typically, Ivy League schools release their decisions in mid-December. However, the exact date may vary slightly from year to year, and by school.

As an example, in recent years, some schools have released decisions around December 10th-15th. To stay informed, you can check the admissions page of the Ivy League school you applied to, as they usually announce the decision release date a few weeks before releasing the decisions.

While waiting, try to focus on your current schoolwork or get involved in extracurricular activities to keep your mind off the admissions process. Remember, you've done your best, and regardless of the outcome, there will be plenty of opportunities for you in the future. Good luck, and I hope you get the result you're hoping for!

a year ago

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