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Athletic Division at Ithaca College

Hey, everyone! Junior here who's really into sports. I'm looking at Ithaca College, but I'm not sure about their athletic division. Can anyone tell me if Ithaca College is a D1 school? Thanks in advance.

18 days ago

Ithaca College is not a D1 school. It actually competes in Division III of the NCAA. In Division III, there are no athletic scholarships given, and the emphasis is on the balance between academics and athletics. Ithaca College is a member of the Liberty League for most sports. Some of their notorious sports teams include wrestling, rowing, and football.

If your aim is to be rewarded with an athletic scholarship, a DIII school may not be able to assist. However, if you're more interested in enjoying your sport while maintaining a strong focus on academics, Ithaca College could be a good fit for you. Plus, there's still a high level of competitiveness and team spirit in DIII. The Bombers, as Ithaca's teams are affectionally known, have a strong tradition and history which you may find appealing. Hope this information helps you!

18 days ago

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