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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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How's Bowdoin's Computer Science Program?

I'm super into coding and I've been throwing around the idea of pursuing a degree in computer science. I recently came across Bowdoin College in my searches. Anyone got any insights about their Computer Science program? Based on your experience or what you've heard, how are they ranked? Optimal outcomes for grads?

19 days ago

Bowdoin College's Computer Science program is widely regarded for its strong curriculum and dedicated faculty. The program has a progressive approach, integrating emerging technologies and trends into its teaching model. Some popular courses include Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Computer Systems, among others.

In terms of rankings, while Bowdoin may not be as prominently featured in computer science specific rankings as some larger universities known for their tech programs, its liberal arts education and personalized teaching model are particularly beneficial for students in this field. Students not only gain specialized knowledge in computer science, but also strengthen their problem-solving, communication, and analytical skills, which are highly valued in the tech industry.

When it comes to outcomes after graduation, Bowdoin students have a strong track record of securing positions in top tech companies, venture capital firms, startups, and research institutions. Some go on to pursue further studies in top graduate programs. Bowdoin's computer science program emphasizes building strong foundational knowledge and provides numerous opportunities for hands-on projects and internships, so students graduate well-equipped for a range of roles in the tech industry.

Lastly, the strong alumni network is known to provide extensive support in terms of mentorship and job opportunities. Remember, the best program for you will depend on your specific interests and career goals. Be sure to check out more specific information from Bowdoin’s website or reach out to current students or alumni to get more personal insights.

19 days ago

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