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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How many times can you take the SAT senior year?

Hey everyone, I'm a bit concerned about my SAT score. How many times can you take it during your senior year to improve your score before it's too late for college applications?

a year ago

Hey there! You definitely have a few opportunities to take the SAT during your senior year, so don't worry too much. Typically, there are three test dates in the fall: August, October, and November. There's also one in December, but the scores for this date might come in too late for some college applications, so it's best to aim for the earlier ones.

It's important, though, not to overload yourself by taking the SAT too many times during such a busy year. At a certain point, small boosts to your score will help you less than extra time spent on homework, or polishing your essays. For example, if you've already taken the SAT twice and your score didn't change that much, the time you'd spend studying for try #3 could probably be used more effectively on something else.

Remember, colleges look at more than just test scores, especially in the wake of the pandemic, so be sure to spend time on extracurricular activities, essays, and all the other moving parts of your application.

a year ago

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