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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Duration of the SAT Test

Hi, I've signed up for the SAT for next month but I don't exactly know how long it's supposed to take. Could someone give me a time estimate? Is there any advice on maintaining focus for this long? Super stoked and a bit nervous.

4 months ago

The digital SAT, as of spring 2024, is structured with a total duration of 134 minutes to complete 98 questions. This distribution includes the Reading and Writing sections, with two 32-minute modules to answer 54 questions, and the Math sections, with two 35-minute modules to answer 44 questions. So, you should prepare for about a little over two hours of focused test time.

Maintaining focus for the entire duration of the test is crucial. It's a good idea to practice sitting and concentrating for long stretches of time to prepare. Work on practice problems for the amount of time you'll be working on actual test questions. So, for instance, try focusing on Reading and Writing practice problems for two consecutive 32-minute periods, and then on Math problems for two consecutive 35-minute periods.

Moreover, remember to take care of yourself physically. Get a good night's sleep before the test and eat a hearty, healthy breakfast. During breaks, try to stretch and move around to keep the blood flowing.

It's normal to feel a mix of excitement and nerves - that simply means you're taking your preparation seriously! You're already making huge strides just by asking these questions and engaging with the process. Good luck with your test!

4 months ago

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