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What's the scoop on studying biology at Portland State University?

Hey there, hoping to major in biology and I've got my eye on Portland State University. Anyone have intel on their biology program? Like, is it hands-on? Do professors engage well with students?

18 days ago

Portland State University (PSU) offers a solid program for Biology. They provide students with foundational knowledge in biology as well as advanced topics. The degree is designed to give you strong scientific conceptual foundations and technical skills in the field of biology.

PSU's biology program is indeed hands-on. Lab experience starts early in the program and gets progressively more complex and independent. This allows students to enhance their lab skills which is crucial for future scientific work. In addition, students can engage in research through the school’s numerous research opportunities which provides more hands-on experience.

When it comes to professor engagement, many students hail the quality of instruction and most professors are described as helpful, knowledgeable, and often available to provide clarification to students' inquiries. Small class sizes (relative to other universities) allow for more intimate learning experiences and direct interaction with the lecturers.

One notable aspect of PSU is that it fosters collaborations between students and faculty through its research opportunities. Students have the chance to work directly with professors in their research projects, which often lead to great mentorship, professional development, and opportunities to dive deep into specific biological areas.

That being said, every student's experience can be different. To get a feel of the program, you might want to connect with current students or alums to get their personal take on the program, professors, and coursework. Reaching out to the department can also be helpful if you have specific questions or concerns that need addressing. You might attend information sessions or virtual tours if they are available. This can provide first-hand information and a feel for whether the program is a good fit for you.

In conclusion, PSU provides a stimulating environment for biology majors through its robust curriculum, hands-on research opportunities, and engaged professorship.

18 days ago

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