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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does Fordham provide financial aid for international students?

Hey guys, international student here stressing out a little about the financial aspects of applying to college. I've got Fordham on my list and I'm wondering if anyone knows if they offer any kind of financial aid or scholarships for international students? Any input would be a massive help, thanks in advance!

18 days ago

Absolutely, Fordham University does offer scholarships to international students. These merit-based scholarships are highly competitive and are based on academic performance, not financial need. Most commonly, these scholarships range from $1,000 to full tuition per year and are renewable for four years. Please note that these scholarships are not meant to cover the full cost of attendance and you would still be responsible for a significant portion other expenses.

Otherwise, Fordham University is not as generous with need-based aid for international students. While Fordham does offer some need-based financial aid, it is limited and students are often still expected to cover part of their tuition.

Just remember to be diligent in exploring all your potential resources -- there may be external scholarships or grants available to you depending on your field of study, home country, or other specific criteria. It's also beneficial to ask for guidance from your high school counselor or from Fordham's international students office regarding these matters to ensure you're doing everything you can to mitigate these costs.

18 days ago

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