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Where does Howard University stand in CS rankings?

Hey everyone, I'm really interested in the Computer Science program at Howard University. Does anyone know how it ranks compared to other universities? Thoughts on the program from current or former students are really appreciated!

17 days ago

Howard University's Computer Science program is renowned for its commitment to academic excellence and diversity in the field. It is known for its strong focus on theoretical foundations as well as practical application, with its graduates often securing roles at top tech companies or pursuing advanced studies.

Strictly speaking in terms of ranking, it's important to remember that rankings can fluctuate year by year and differ depending on the source. They are often determined by a complex mix of measures including peer assessment, faculty resources, placement success, and others.

While I might not have the specific ranking, as rankings can be varied based on source, I can share that Howard, being an HBCU, has strong connections with many well-known tech companies. Companies such as Google and Microsoft have strong recruitment pipelines from Howard. This means students have excellent opportunities for internships and job placements upon graduation.

If you're considering Howard's Computer Science program, it's also crucial you look beyond rankings—a fit with the university's culture, course offerings, faculty, and support services can be as significant, if not more so, than a numerical position in a ranking list.

Try reaching out to alumni or current students via LinkedIn or Howard’s alumni network. They can give you a firsthand account of what studying Computer Science at Howard is like. Attending open days or virtual information sessions can also provide further insights. Overall, the decision should be based on a combination of factors including course content, faculty, opportunities for practical experience, and alumni success, in addition to rankings.

17 days ago

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