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Looking into Huntingdon College degrees

Hello all! Junior here... Planning on applying to Huntingdon College next year and I'm trying to get a sense of the range of academic programs they have. Could anyone elaborate on their degree options? What are some strong programs Huntingdon is known for?

20 days ago

Huntingdon College, located in Montgomery, Alabama, is a liberal arts institution that offers a wide array of academic programs catering to different areas of interest. It has over 20 different majors and additional minors, so students can customize their academic experience to their specific interests.

One of Huntingdon's highly regarded programs is their Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration due to the hands-on experience and internships offered. Other strong programs at Huntingdon include Elementary Education, Sport Science and Physical Education, Biology, and Psychology.

Huntingdon is also known for its unique "Center for Career & Vocation," which provides students with career guidance and assistance in finding internships and jobs. This is matched by their commitment to experiential learning or "learning by doing," making Huntingdon an attractive destination for students wanting a strong blend of theory and practice in their college education.

Finally, Huntingdon offers a unique evening program called "Evening Bachelor's Degree," which is designed for working adults and offers majors in Business Management, and Criminal Justice.

As you choose a program, consider not only the strength of the program but also how it aligns with your personal interests, career goals, and academic skills. Also remember, regardless of the program you select, Huntingdon’s small class sizes and close community will provide a supportive and engaging academic experience.

20 days ago

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