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Interior design schools in Michigan?

Hi everyone! I'm a Michigan native and passionate about interior design. I want to stay close to home for college, so I'm looking into programs in the state. Any advice or recommendations on good schools in Michigan for interior design?

18 days ago

Sure, there are a few schools in Michigan you might want to consider for their interior design programs.

1. Michigan State University (MSU): MSU's interior design program is featured within the School of Planning, Design, and Construction. The school offers a Bachelor of Arts in Interior Design where students have the opportunity to learn about design theory, design processes, communications, and design business practices.

2. Central Michigan University (CMU): CMU offers a Bachelor of Applied Arts in Interior Design. Not only will you learn the traditional elements of interior design here, but the program also integrates classes in sustainability, accessibility, and other contemporary issues in the design field.

3. Western Michigan University: WMU offers a Bachelor of Science in Interior Design program that emphasizes problem solving and critical thinking. Students gain an understanding of interior environments from a human-centered perspective.

4. Eastern Michigan University: The school has a Bachelor of Science in Interior Design program. The program here provides students with an understanding of design from a holistic viewpoint, including both technical and aesthetic aspects.

5. Kendall College of Art and Design: A part of Ferris State University, Kendall College offers a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design. Kendall prides itself on a more studio-intensive program that focuses on creativity and design innovation.

These are just some of the available options. Your choice among these programs will most likely depend on the course content, faculty, facilities, and your personal preferences. But according to many students, visiting the campuses, if it's feasible, could give you a real sense of the programs and how comfortable you would be studying there.

You could also try reaching out to current students or alumni of these programs through LinkedIn or the school's alumni network to gain more insight on their experiences. Good luck in your college search!

18 days ago

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