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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Duke University's Degree Focus

I was wondering if anyone could give me some information on Duke University's course offerings? Is it more focused on liberal arts or does it have strong programs in other areas too? I'm not sure where to find this info.

20 days ago

Duke University is known for its strengths across a wide range of disciplines, not limited to only the liberal arts. Its performances in several disciplines are often nationally and internationally ranked.

Duke boasts strong programs in a number of areas, however, a few that are often recognized include public policy analysis, biomedical engineering, biology, economics, and psychology. The Pratt School of Engineering and the Trinity School of Arts and Sciences are notable divisions within the university offering strong academic programs geared toward interdisciplinary approaches.

In terms of liberal arts, Duke is also highly regarded. It offers a well-rounded liberal arts education spanning the social sciences, humanities, and natural sciences. This means students can explore a variety of fields and opportunities for interdisciplinary study, regardless of what their specific major might be.

So, in general, you could characterize Duke as having a robust liberal arts program that's part of a broader field of strong curricula across many disciplines. Because of this wide-ranging academic strength, serendipitous exploration and the potential for change between disparate fields of study is a significant feature of academic life at Duke.

When looking at any university, be sure to do in-depth research. Check their website, look through the course catalog, and investigate their major offerings—this can give you a sense of what their academic focuses are. For Duke University, you can find specific information about their programs on the college's official website. The Department of Academic Advising also offers comprehensive guidance on undergraduate programs. I hope this information helps!

20 days ago

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