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What's the electrical engineering program like at Northern Arizona University?

Hey guys, I've been looking into various electrical engineering programs and Northern Arizona University is one of the options. I would highly appreciate it if anyone who's familiar could share their experiences or thoughts on the quality and rigor of the program itself? Thanks a ton!

18 days ago

Northern Arizona University (NAU) indeed has a well-regarded Electrical Engineering program. It's ABET accredited, which means it meets the rigorous standards required for engineering programs. Being ABET-accredited is essential when you look for jobs or apply for graduate programs in engineering.

A highlight of the Electrical Engineering program at NAU is the emphasis on hands-on learning experiences. Starting from your first year, you'll engage in lab-based classes where you can apply the concepts you're learning in a practical setting. As you progress in your studies, you'll have the opportunity to conduct research alongside professors or take part in projects that tackle real-world problems.

The curriculum is comprehensive, covering topics from digital systems design, circuits, electromagnetics, to very specific fields like signal processing and control systems.

Another aspect worth noting is the small class sizes at NAU. This means you can enjoy more personalized attention from your professors, which can be especially beneficial in understanding complex engineering concepts.

Furthermore, the faculty are highly experienced and dedicated, with many of them conducting high-quality research in their respective fields.

In terms of the program's rigor, it's not going to be a walk in the park. Any engineering program will be challenging - it involves a lot of studying, problem-solving, and project work. But, if you're committed and passionate about Electrical Engineering, then the workload is certainly manageable.

Lastly, NAU's Engineering career services are very proactive in guiding students with internships, co-ops, and job placements. This is invaluable because it can lead to work experience even before you graduate, giving you an edge in the market.

Remember to tour the facilities if possible, and reach out to current students or alumni on LinkedIn or through university-sanctioned channels to get firsthand insights. This can help you make an informed decision about whether the program is a good fit for you.

18 days ago

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