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How's the Business Kids at Salve Regina?

Hey guys, I've been scouting around some business programs and Salve Regina's name has cropped up few times. Any inside info about their business school? How's the program? Reputation, faculty, potential job prospects? Anything would be helpful.

17 days ago

Salve Regina University's Department of Business and Economics offers a bachelor's of science in business administration, and the program is indeed strong in certain areas. The program emphasizes a broad-based, liberal arts education that fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills, grounded in ethics which aligns with the school's mission.

If you're interested in studying business there, you have the option to specialize in five different areas: accounting, financial management, healthcare administration, International business, and marketing. So you have plenty of opportunities to tailor your education to your interests and career goals.

The faculty are quite noteworthy for their commitment towards teaching and the mentoring culture prevalent in the school. The average class size is small, meaning you will have the opportunity to get to know your professors and engage in discussions more actively. Furthermore, many professors have had considerable industry experience, which can be a benefit when it comes to understanding real-world application of business concepts.

In terms of reputation, Salve Regina is generally well-regarded in the Northeast. However, it is not as well recognized on a national level compared to larger schools. While this won't necessarily impact your education, it might be something to consider if you're hoping to work out-of-state or in very competitive industries.

Regarding job prospects, like any university, Salve Regina has a career center which helps students with resume review, interview practice, job search strategies, internships, and other career resources. Employers often visit the campus for recruitment events as well. A big advantage to studying in Rhode Island is the proximity to numerous corporations and startups in Boston and New York City.

A useful tip would be to leverage Salve Regina's alumni network for job and internship opportunities. Reach out to alumni in fields you are interested in, as they may share their experience and insights, which could potentially lead to interesting opportunities.

Moreover, attending college job fairs and actively networking is always a good strategy no matter where you choose to study.

To get further insights, you might want to reach out to current students or recent grads from the business program for their perspectives. Moreover, if possible, visit the campus and talk to the advisors in the business school to get a vibe of the place. That just might help you determine if Salve Regina's business program is a good fit for you.

17 days ago

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