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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Where on earth is Clemson University located?

Hey guys, doing some college research and Clemson keeps popping up. Where exactly is it located? What's the city/campus environment like there?

17 days ago

Clemson University is located in Clemson, which is a small city in South Carolina, United States. Nestled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Clemson is located near Lake Hartwell, offering a scenic, natural environment to students.

In terms of campus environment, Clemson University's campus is often described as a small town within a larger community. With a population that's primarily composed of students, there's a vibrant student life and school spirit is strong - particularly when it comes to supporting their Tigers athletics teams!

The campus itself is rather spread out, with plenty of green spaces, making it feel very residential and welcoming. You'll also find numerous cafés, restaurants and shops both on-campus and in downtown Clemson, which is nearby and easy to reach.

Overall, many students say they appreciate the balance of having a close-knit, friendly campus community, with the freedom to explore the beautiful natural surroundings that Clemson, South Carolina offers.

17 days ago

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