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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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What majors are offered at Brown University?

Hello! I've been eyeing Brown as one of my top choices but I'm still struggling to find a major I'm passionate about. Does anyone know what majors they offer at Brown?

18 days ago

Brown University offers quite a number of different majors, or "concentrations" as they're known there. There are more than 80 concentrations available, so it would be a bit hefty to list them all here.

However, for the sake of your question, I'll mention a few major categories. In the sciences, you can study anything from biology, physics to computer science, plus pre-med type programs.

For those interested in the humanities, there are concentrations in classics, English, history, philosophy, and a variety of foreign languages. And for the social science buffs, programs are available in anthropology, economics, political science, psychology, and sociology.

If you're leaning towards the arts, concentrations include theatre arts and playwriting, visual art, music, and literary arts.

In addition to these traditional majors, Brown also offers some unique, interdisciplinary concentrations such as cognitive neuroscience, development studies, public policy, and gender and sexuality studies.

You should check out Brown's official site for a comprehensive list and descriptions of their concentrations. Make sure to check out the Open curriculum at Brown - one of its unique features. It allows students to explore their academic interests without the constraints of a general education curriculum. This flexibility may be helpful if you're still uncertain about your major.

18 days ago

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