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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Odds of Getting into University of Redlands?

What's up everyone? I've been thinking more about my odds for different schools on my list, and I'm wondering about University of Redlands's acceptance rate. Curious to know any information on this to better understand my chances with admission! Thanks.

19 days ago

Hey! University of Redlands has an acceptance rate around 82% which is relatively high when compared to other colleges. This means the majority of students who apply, will be accepted. However, keep in mind admissions aren't solely based on this acceptance rate. Other factors that play a significant role in admissions decisions include your GPA, course rigor, test scores (if you decide to submit them - University of Redlands is test-optional), and your extracurricular activities.

While statistics do provide a baseline, it's essential to remember that each application is evaluated individually. Therefore, your application should showcase your unique strengths, talents, and potential to contribute to the school. Good luck with your application!

19 days ago

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