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How many AP classes should I take my junior year?

Hi everyone! I'm looking for advice on how many AP classes I should take for junior year. I'm trying to balance my course load but also want to show colleges that I'm challenging myself. So far, I've handled two APs in my sophomore year pretty well. Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks!

a year ago

Hi there! The number of AP classes that students should take during their junior year varies based on individual abilities and schedules. Since you've managed two APs in your sophomore year well, you might consider increasing the number to three or four, depending on your comfort with the subjects and other commitments. It's crucial to maintain a balance where you can still achieve high grades and not be overly stressed. Colleges do look for rigor in your curriculum, but not at the expense of your GPA or well-being.

Moreover, be strategic in selecting AP courses that are aligned with your potential college major or your areas of interest. If you're aiming for STEM majors, APs like Calculus, Biology, or Chemistry could be beneficial, for example. Ultimately, the goal is to prove to colleges that you're capable of handling college-level work in a range of disciplines while still excelling across the board. Always remember, quality over quantity; it's better to do really well in a few than to stretch yourself too thin. Good luck with your decision!

a year ago

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