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Marquette University and Economics Major?

Hey, I'm pretty interested in economics and I've heard that Marquette University has a good program. Can anyone out here give me some insights on that? Whats their curriculum like, the profs, the intensity, and how well it's regarded?

18 days ago

Certainly, Marquette's College of Business Administration includes an Economics major that's well-regarded regionally, and provides a solid foundation in economic theory and its application. The undergraduate program is designed to provide a holistic understanding of economics, and touches upon both theoretical and applied economics—including the study of microeconomics and macroeconomics, econometry, labour market, international trade, and monetary policy.

The curriculum is structured to allow not only the in-depth study of economics, but also covers a broad spectrum of other business disciplines. This can help you to apply economic theories within a broader business context. For example, you might study how to analyze economic data, estimate economic models, and then apply these in a concrete business scenario.

Faculty is highly qualified with real-world experience and are active in economic research. This can offer you invaluable insights that go beyond the textbook. The teaching style revolves around ensuring students can apply economics to solve problems. The overall experience at Marquette seems to be good, as indicated by the small student-to-faculty ratio (13:1), which suggests a favorable classroom setting with accessibility to faculty members.

In terms of intensity, like any program, it often depends on the individual—but you can expect a rigorous academic program that requires analytical thinking and active participation in a diverse spectrum of courses.

Regarding its reputation, Marquette's business programs are esteemed, especially within the Midwestern United States, and can provide you with an excellent network within the region after graduation. The University's strong ties to the business community through their internship programs and visiting speakers series can be seen as added advantages in terms of exposure and connecting with potential employers.

Ultimately, your choice will depend on your specific interests in economics, and your overall career goals. But Marquette's Economics major seems to be a strong choice for those interested in a robust understanding of economics within the context of broader business applications.

18 days ago

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