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SAT Sample Problems Needed

Hello everyone, I'm currently preparing for the SAT and desperately looking for some sample problems (other than those in the Official SAT Study Guide). Any resources you'd recommend? Much appreciated!

19 days ago


It sounds like you're eager to get solid practice ahead of your SAT, which is great!

Firstly, you may want to try Kolbe Academy, which offers digital SAT full-length practice tests. The tests are built to perfectly match the structure of the real SAT, so you'll get used to the format while also practicing the content. Plus, you'll get a score report right after you complete the test, so you can monitor your improvement and identify which areas you need to focus on strengthening.

Additional resources you might find helpful include Khan Academy. This platform offers interactive SAT practice problems for all sections of the SAT (both Math modules and Reading & Writing modules), and also provides video tutorials that help explain the concepts behind the problems.

Another resource to consider is PrepScholar. They have a large collection of SAT sample questions, which are categorized by difficulty level and subject area, which allows you to focus your preparation where you feel you need it most.

Also, I'm sure you're aware that the SAT has now become fully digital. In case you aren't as comfortable practicing online as you are on paper, the Bluebook™ app offers the opportunity to get more comfortable with the digital format while also providing a full-length practice test.

Remember, consistent practice is key in preparing for the SAT. By using these resources and practice tests, you're best positioning yourself to be familiar with the SAT format and the types of questions you'll see on test day. Best of luck in your preparation!

19 days ago

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