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Ranking of Economics at Northeastern?

Hey y'all, prospective Economics major here. I'm wondering if anyone knows where Northeastern's Economics program ranks. Trying to decide between a few schools.

17 days ago

Northeastern University has a solid Economics program, although school ranks can fluctuate year over year and according to various publications. Rather than relying solely on rankings, it's also important to consider the features of the program itself, such as curriculum, faculty, research opportunities, and job placements.

Northeastern, located in Boston, is known for its co-op program that allows students to gain full-time, real-world work experience while studying. This is particularly valuable for an Economics degree, as it can provide practical insights and connections that can significantly enhance your learning and prospects after graduation.

Moreover, being in Boston, you will have access to numerous firms, financial institutions, and startups right at your doorstep. This location, combined with the co-op program, can often lead to internships and job opportunities, which can be a valuable springboard into your chosen career post studies.

When comparing schools, consider these qualitative factors along with the program rankings, as they can provide a comprehensive understanding of the value and benefits of each program. Be sure to look into the specific courses offered, faculty insights, research opportunities, alumni success, etc. This will help you choose a program that aligns well with your academic interests and career goals.

17 days ago

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