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Need knowledge on University of Wisconsin-Madison's admission process

What exactly does the University of Wisconsin-Madison look for in its applicants? Their process feels a bit unclear, any advice will be appreciated.

17 days ago

The University of Wisconsin-Madison, like many universities, uses a comprehensive or holistic review process to make admissions decisions. This means the school considers a variety of factors when assessing applications, rather than basing decisions solely on numerical factors like GPA or test scores. As such, admissions at UW-Madison can feel a bit opaque because the university is looking at each component of the student's application and trying to evaluate the potential student as a whole.

Key Factors that UW-Madison Considers:

1. Academic Achievement: This includes high school GPA, course rigor, and achievement in these classes. They're looking for students who have challenged themselves throughout high school, maintaining a solid GPA in rigorous courses. They also want to see an upward trend; in other words, they like to see your grades improving over your high school career.

2. Standardized Test Scores: For the 2024-2025 application cycle, UW Madison is test-optional, so you have the choice to submit your scores or not. If you do decide to submit your scores, they will be considered, but not submitting will not hurt your chances.

3. Extracurricular Activities: The school is interested in depth of involvement rather than breadth--it's better to be deeply involved in two activities than superficially involved in five. They're looking for leadership, initiative, teamwork, and other qualities that you've demonstrated through out-of-classroom activities.

4. Essays: Held in high regard by the UW-Madison admissions committee as they provide opportunities to understand students on a more personal level. Students submit two essays as part of their application, which should help portray their character, personal experiences and how they may contribute to the university community.

5. Recommendations: One recommendation from a teacher or counselor is required, though you may submit more. Choose someone who knows your academic abilities well and can speak to your potential for success in college.

Remember that while these factors collectively make up your application, the weight of each component might slightly vary based on other aspects of your profile. Be sure to provide as complete a picture as possible of yourself through your application, and be authentic and sincere in your essay responses. Best of luck!

17 days ago

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