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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Scoring for the SAT, Any Tips?

Hi everyone! I'm in a bit of predicament. I've got the SATs coming up and I just can't seem to figure out my scores right. Is there any reliable SAT score calculator out there that you guys could recommend? I'd be super grateful for any suggestions!

22 days ago

Hello there! Since the SAT moved to a fully digital format in 2024, there has been a change in structure and scoring. There's no exact score calculator, but understanding the scoring structure can help you predict your score range.

Here's the rundown: The digital SAT consists of Reading & Writing and Math modules. There are 98 questions in total. The Reading & Writing section has 54 questions that you'd have to complete in two 32-minute modules, while the Math section has 44 questions across two 35-minute modules.

Now, onto the scoring. Each section is scored on a scale of 200-800 for a maximum total score of 1600. The specific number of questions you answer correctly (your raw score) is converted into a scaled score through a process called equating which adjusts for slight differences in difficulty between different test versions.

If you're looking to predict your score, one method to estimate it is to divide your correct answers by total answers (98), multiply the result by 1600. However, this approach will only give a very rough estimation and can be misleading, as it incorrectly gives the Reading/Writing section more weight (since there are more questions in this section), and doesn't account for the fact that the Math section is more forgiving of wrong answers.

The College Board provides percentiles that you can use to see how your raw score compares to other test-takers, which could be another way to estimate your performance. If there's a conversion table attached to your particular practice exam, that would be the most accurate method of all, but even a conversion table from a different test could give you a general idea of where you stand.

On a separate note, if you'd like to learn more about the SAT in general, and get some tips that will help you maximize your score, I'd check out CollegeVine's series of free blog posts focused on SAT prep, which you can access here: https://blog.collegevine.com/category/standardized-tests/sat/. Good luck with your preparations!

22 days ago

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