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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How difficult is it to get admitted into the University of Nebraska, Lincoln?

So, I've been thinking about applying to the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. From anyone with experience or inside knowledge, could you guys touch on the acceptance rate and what they're generally looking for in students? Trying to gauge my chances here.

17 days ago

The University of Nebraska, Lincoln (UNL) has a relatively approachable admissions process, with an acceptance rate typically around 77%. As such, a majority of students who apply do indeed receive an acceptance. Nevertheless, rigorous academics can still prove instrumental in ensuring your application stands out.

In general, UNL is looking for students who demonstrate a strong work ethic and a readiness to participate in their offered academic programs. Most admitted students have high school GPAs of 3.0 or above, but the middle 50% of accepted students for the ACT score ranges between around 22 and 28, while for the SAT it's typically between 1090 and 1310. Remember that these are just ranges and not cut-offs—there are students who get admitted with scores and grades below and far above those ranges.

While grades and scores are important, UNL, like many other institutions, also values seeing students who are engaged outside of class. Extracurricular activities, leadership roles, and community involvement can all play a beneficial role in your application.

I encourage you to apply if UNL is a school you're interested in. Even if you're not certain your academic profile matches up perfectly, schools do recognize growth and potential too. Don't forget your application essay—it's a great space to humanize your application and share more about your experiences and how they've shaped you as a future UNL student. Good luck!

17 days ago

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