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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is a GPA of 3.2 good?

I'm proud of maintaining a 3.2 GPA so far, but I'm not sure whether it's considered 'good' or not when it comes to applying for colleges. Can anybody offer some perspective? I'd really appreciate it!

2 months ago

Certainly! A GPA of 3.2 is definitely respectable and it indicates that you've been working hard. However, it's crucial to bear in mind that the meaning of a "good" GPA can vary depending on several factors, such as the schools you're aiming to apply to, the rigor of your high school classes, and any upward grade trends.

Most colleges generally employ a scale of 4.0 when assessing GPAs, with a 3.2 putting you in the B/B+ range. This means you're doing well, but there's some room for improvement. When applying to colleges, admissions officers will not just look at your GPA, they also take into account the difficulty of the courses you took in high school. If you've taken multiple honors or AP courses, for instance, a 3.2 GPA can demonstrate a willingness to challenge yourself acadically.

When considering schools, keep in mind each school's average admitted GPA. For top-tier schools, admittees on average tend to have GPAs north of 3.7, but this doesn't mean a 3.2 GPA disqualifies you from top-tier consideration. Every part of a student's application contributes to the final decision, such as your extracurriculars, essays, and recommendation letters.

On the other hand, many great colleges and universities have average GPAs for incoming freshmen that line up closely with a 3.2, making these schools an excellent match for you academically. Keep in mind that some schools are test optional or test-blind, so they may weigh GPA more heavily in admissions decisions.

Finally, if there's a clear upwards trend in your GPA from freshman to junior year, that's something admissions officers will look favorably upon. It shows that you've grown and improved academically throughout high school.

To sum up, your 3.2 GPA is good! Just remember to keep it in perspective of your individual goals and circumstances. Keep up the great work!

2 months ago

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