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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

How to find D1 colleges near me?

I'm an athlete and I'd love to participate in D1 sports in college. Anyone out there who knows how to locate D1 colleges near my location? Tips would be much appreciated!

2 months ago

One efficient way to find D1 colleges in your proximity is to use the NCAA’s online school directory. This tool allows you to filter by division (in your case, Division I), state, conference, and sport. You can filter based on the criteria that matter most to you, which might be division and location since you're trying to find local D1 colleges.

Another way to explore Division I colleges near you is to research the sports conference that is predominant in your area. Division I contains a number of conferences such as the Big Ten, Pac-12, ACC, SEC, etc. Each conference has its own geographical sphere, so it could be beneficial to research the conferences that encompass your location and then look at the member colleges.

Additionally, you can get in touch with your school's guidance counselor or your sports coach. These individuals may likely have information on local Division I colleges and could guide you accordingly. They might also have relationships with some of the coaches at these programs and could help you make connections.

Please remember that as a prospective college athlete, you need to consider more than just athletic criteria when making a decision. Coaches don't exclusively look for athletic talent - things like academic achievements, leadership, and character traits are also important considerations. Make sure to also focus on the academic and cultural fit of each college you're considering!

Lastly, don't forget to register with and check your eligibility through the NCAA Eligibility Center if you're planning to play sports at the college level.

2 months ago

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