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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What are the SAT Requirements for Fordham University?

I'm interested in Fordham University for my college journey. Can anyone share their experience with the SAT requirements? I want to make sure my scores are up to snuff. Should I retake if I'm just slightly below their average?

16 days ago

Fordham University does require SAT scores to be submitted with your application. As for the average SAT scores of admitted students, you can review this information on their website or through resources like CollegeVine. For instance, the middle 50% SAT range for Fordham's class of 2027 was 1370-1500.

If your score falls slightly below this range, it doesn't necessarily mean you're out of the running, but you might want to consider retaking the test to improve your score, especially if you feel you didn't perform to the best of your ability the first time around. Score improvements can be particularly impactful if you're hoping for merit aid, as higher scores often correlate with better scholarship opportunities.

That being said, remember that SAT scores are just one aspect of your application. Excellent grades, strong essays, and impressive extracurricular activities can also go a long way in representing your qualifications. Best of luck with your application!

16 days ago

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