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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Retrieving SAT Scores

Hi there! I took the SATs a little while ago and I'm feeling pretty anxious to see my scores. Does anyone know the steps I need to follow to get my SAT scores? Any help is appreciated!

7 months ago

Absolutely! Once your SAT scores are available, you can view them by logging into your College Board account. Here's a brief guide:

1. Go to College Board's official website.

2. Click on "Sign In", and input your username and password.

3. Once you're logged in, you'll normally be directed to your "My SAT" page.

4. If your scores are ready, there should be a "View Scores" button. Click on this.

5. You can then see your test scores and understand how you performed in each section.

Remember, you must wait until your scores are officially released; this typically happens about 10 days to 2 weeks after your test date. However, it can sometimes take a bit longer—up to 6 weeks—for some reason like accommodations, late testing, or makeup testing.

Your SAT Score Report will not only include your scores, but also percentile ranks, which can provide an idea of how you did relative to other test-takers. Good luck! I hope you achieve the results you're hoping for.

7 months ago

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