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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How to view my ACT scores?

Okay so... I took my ACT recently, but I have no idea where to see the scores. If any of y'all could guide me through the process, it would be much appreciated. Thanks!

7 months ago

You can check your ACT scores by following these steps:

1. Go to the ACT official website.

2. Sign in to your account. This is the account you would have made when you registered for the ACT. If you have forgotten your password, there should be an option to reset it.

3. After logging in, navigate to the 'Your Test Dates and Scores' page.

4. You should then see a list of your past test dates and the status of the scores. If your scores are ready, you will be able to view them here by clicking on 'View Score'.

Please note, ACT scores aren't available immediately after your test date. They usually start releasing scores about two weeks after the test, but for some students, it can take up to eight weeks. The essay scores (if you took the ACT with Writing) take a little longer, typically two weeks after your multiple-choice scores are available. If your scores are not posted yet, check back in a few days.

Also, if you want to send your scores to colleges, you can do that through your ACT account as well. There is a fee associated with sending score reports, unless you chose your colleges before the test.

7 months ago

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