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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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CSU: Is there an early decision option?

Hi everyone, I've been looking into applying to various CSU campuses next year. I was wondering if any of the California State Universities offer an early decision application process? Can someone provide me with details about it if it's available?

a year ago

Hi there! I recently went through the college applications process with my child who applied to several CSU campuses. To the best of my knowledge, CSU schools do not offer an Early Decision (ED) application process; however, they do have a priority application filing period.

The priority filing period typically runs from October 1st to November 30th for the fall semester, and August 1st to August 31st for the spring semester. Submitting your application during this time will give you the best chance of admission to your desired campus and program. While it's not exactly the same as an ED option, it's still a good idea to apply early!

Remember to research individual campuses and programs, as some may have specific requirements or deadlines. Good luck with your applications, and I hope you find the right CSU campus for you!

a year ago

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