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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Consequences of Failing an AP Class Senior Year

What happens if you end up failing an AP class during your senior year? I'm a bit stressed about this possibility and would like to know if it has a significant impact on college admissions or scholarship opportunities.

a year ago

Hey, it's totally understandable that you're stressed about this. Failing an AP class in your senior year can have significant repercussions. For one, if colleges see a failed grade on your transcript, they may question your academic rigor and readiness for college-level courses, which can negatively impact their decision. This is particularly relevant if you're waiting on regular decision offers or if you've been deferred.

Moreover, if you've already been accepted, colleges reserve the right to revoke admissions offers based on significant drops in academic performance. As for scholarships, many are contingent on maintaining a certain GPA, and a failing grade could put these at risk, especially if the awarding body conducts a final review of your transcript.

If you're failing because of outside circumstances, like illness or a family situation, colleges may be more understanding than if you're failing due to senioritis. Still, it's best to avoid this situation altogether.

In short, it's crucial to strive to pass all your classes, seek help if you're struggling, and if failure seems unavoidable, discuss potential repercussions with your guidance counselor or the admissions offices of the colleges you're applying to.

Best of luck with your classes, you got this!

a year ago

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