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How competitive is it to get accepted into The Ohio State University?

Hey, guys! Rising senior here, and I've been eyeing The Ohio State University for a while now. Wondering if anyone knows about their acceptance rate? Trying to figure out just how competitive it is to gain admission into OSU. Any information would be super helpful!

4 months ago

The Ohio State University, often referred to as OSU, is a large, public research university located in Columbus, Ohio. It's a moderately selective school - the acceptance rate in recent years has been around 53%.

However, it's important to remember that your GPA, course rigor, test scores, and extracurricular activities will be more important for determining your personal odds of acceptance than OSU's overall admit rate.

For context, the average accepted student at OSU has a GPA around 3.95 and an ACT score between 29- 34 (or an SAT score between 1310 and 1480). Those numbers aren't hard cutoffs, but being around or above them is certainly an indication that you'd be a competitive applicant at OSU.

One additional note: extracurricular activities do make a difference in your application. OSU, like many colleges, values students who have shown commitment and leadership in a few areas that truly interest them, as opposed to those who join many clubs but don't have a significant impact in them.

If you want to know how your application as a whole stacks up at OSU, I'd check out CollegeVine's free chancing engine, which accounts for all quantifiable elements of your application, including GPA, course rigor, test scores (if you have them), and extracurriculars to give you personalized odds of acceptance at OSU and hundreds of other colleges:

This tool will also give you suggestions on how to improve your chances, for example by raising your GPA slightly or earning a leadership position in one of your extracurriculars. Remember, OSU uses a holistic admissions process, so focus on making each component as strong as possible - no single credential will get you in on its own.

Good luck!

4 months ago

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