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Act Test Registration

Hello everyone! Junior here trying to get ahead. I think I'm ready to schedule my ACT but I'm feeling a bit lost about how I sign up? Can anyone give me a walkthrough of how to register and any important deadlines? Thanks!

7 months ago

Registering for the ACT can seem daunting but taking it one step at a time will make it manageable. Here's a step-by-step guide to simplify the process:

1. Create an ACT account: Visit the official ACT website and click on the "create account" button. You will be asked to fill out some basic information such as name, date of birth, intended college major, etc.

2. Choose a Test Date and Centre: Once logged in, click on the “Register for the ACT” button in your account. Here, you’ll select your preferred test date and testing center. It's important to know that registration deadlines are typically five weeks before the test date so keep that in mind.

3. Decide on ACT Writing: You will be asked whether you want to take the ACT with or without writing. This will depend on the requirements of the colleges you're applying to.

4. Fill Out Personal Info: You will then need to provide more detailed personal information. This includes your high school courses/grades, college and career interests, etc.

5. Upload a Photo: You'll be asked to upload a recent, recognisable photo of yourself. There are certain guidelines regarding the photo so make sure to follow those.

6. Pay ACT Registration Fee: Once you’ve finished these sections, you will be prompted to pay the registration fee with a debit/credit card. For the 2024-2025 testing year, the ACT without writing costs $60, and with writing costs $85.

7. Confirm and Print Admission Ticket: Once your payment has been processed, you will receive a confirmation of your registration details, and should print out your admission ticket to bring to the testing center.

A word of caution: spots for preferred testing dates and centres fill up fast, so it's in your benefit to register as early as you can. You can make changes to your test date or test center, for a fee, usually until the late registration deadline, about 3 weeks before the test date.

Remember to prepare efficiently for your ACT exam, and utilize resources like online practice tests, prep guides, and apps. Best of luck with your test!

7 months ago

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