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UC Santa Barbara admission stats help!

Hi folks, I've been browsing through UC Santa Barbara's admission stats and they're a bit confusing. Can someone explain what they mean in simpler terms? Especially in regards to the range of accepted GPAs and SAT scores.

4 months ago

Of course, I'll do my best to demystify these statistics for you. Admission statistics for universities like UC Santa Barbara can indeed be complex, but the two data points you're mainly asking about - GPA and SAT scores - are typically represented by "ranges" that refer to the middle 50% of accepted students.

Let's start with GPA. When you see a range of accepted GPAs, such as 4.04-4.28, it means that the middle half of accepted students had a GPA within that range. That is, 25% of admitted students actually had a GPA below 4.04, and another 25% had a GPA above 4.28. So, while being within the range isn’t a guarantee of admission, it provides a rough indication of the academic performance level that UC Santa Barbara tends to accept.

Now, onto SAT scores. Just to clarify, starting from the 2024-2025 application cycle, the University of California, including UC Santa Barbara, has adopted a test-blind policy, which means they do NOT consider SAT or ACT scores in their admissions decisions. So any reference to an SAT score range for UC Santa Barbara would no longer be relevant for future applicants.

However, to help you understand what it would have meant in past cycles, take the example of a middle 50% SAT range of 1230-1470. This would mean that 25% of accepted students scored below 1230, 50% scored between 1230 and 1470, and the remaining 25% scored above 1470. As with the GPA range, it's a rough guide and not a hard-and-fast rule.

Remember, these are merely one aspect of the whole admission process, which also takes into account factors like extracurricular involvement, personal essays, and other components of the application. So don't get too caught up in these numbers, but rather focus on presenting a well-rounded and authentic application. I hope this helps clarify things!

4 months ago

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