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Accessing ACT scores: guidance needed

I feel a little clueless here, but I took the ACT and I'm not sure how to retrieve my scores. Could someone show me the ropes?

7 months ago

No worries, it's a pretty straightforward process. Once you've taken the ACT, it usually takes around 10 business days for the scores to be available online.

Here are the steps to view your ACT scores:

1. Visit the ACT's official website and look for the 'Sign In' button

2. Log in to your ACT account. This would be the same account that you created when you registered for the ACT.

3. Once logged in, you should see a page called "Your Test Dates and Scores."

4. Select "View Scores" for the test date you're interested in. Your composite score, the scores for each section, and the subscores will be there.

One thing to note is that the writing component (if you took it) usually takes a bit longer to be scored, so don't be alarmed if that isn't available immediately with your other scores.

And finally, the ACT also sends you an official score report by mail, about 3-8 weeks after the test date. This report includes everything you'll see online, along with some additional information about national percentiles and college readiness.

I hope this helps clear up any confusion!

7 months ago

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