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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How Long Is the Final Stretch - SAT Test Day?

Whoa, it's D-Day almost and my nerves are fried. Could anyone tell me how long the SAT testing goes on for? Also, am I allowed any breaks in between? All these tiny details freak me out and it would really help if someone could share their experience. Thanks!

4 months ago

Hello! Just take a deep breath and remember all your hard work leading up to this point. As of Spring 2024, the digital SAT has a total duration of 134 minutes, or a little over 2 hours, during which you will be answering 98 questions.

The test is divided into four modules: two modules, each 32 minutes, for Reading and Writing, and two modules, each 35 minutes for Math. This means each question in Reading and Writing has a time limit of about 71 seconds, while you have about 96 seconds per question in Math.

Regarding breaks, you will typically get a short break of 5 minutes between each module. This is your time to stretch, grab a quick snack, or use the restroom. Keep in mind that these break durations can vary slightly from testing center to testing center.

Keep a positive attitude and trust in your preparation. Good luck! You've got this!

4 months ago

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