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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Submitting SAT scores - How does it work?

Hey all, I'm definitely feeling a bit overwhelmed with the entire application process. I would appreciate if someone could walk me through how to submit SAT scores to colleges? Are they sent digitally or do I need to send a physical copy? Any tips to make sure they're received by the colleges on time?

7 months ago

Sure, happy to help outline the process for you. SAT scores are sent to colleges directly through the College Board, the organization that administers the SAT. The process is fully digital, so no need to worry about sending any physical copies. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

1. First, go to the College Board website and sign into your account.

2. Once you've logged in, click on ‘My SAT.’

3. From there, click on 'Send Scores'.

4. You’ll be directed to a page where you can choose which individual SAT scores you’d like to send.

5. Enter the codes for the colleges you’re applying to. Each college has a unique code that you'll need to include.

6. Click 'Send.'

You can send your SAT scores at any time, but keep in mind the timeline for admissions. Scores generally take about 1–2 weeks to process, so ensure you're sending them well ahead of your respective application deadlines.

The first four score reports are free if you send them within nine days of your test date. After that period, there is a fee for each report, except in the case of fee waivers.

Lastly, remember to check each college's policy on score choice and superscoring. For instance, some colleges require that you send all your SAT scores, while others will allow you to choose which ones to send. So the approach can vary depending on the institution.

Just note that some colleges are test-optional or test-blind for the 2024-2025 application cycle, meaning they do not require or consider SAT or ACT scores in the admission process. Be sure to check the testing policy of each college on your list.

Good luck with the process!

7 months ago

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