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University of Georgia requirements - what exactly do they want?

Hi everyone. I'm pretty set on applying to the University of Georgia. I've read up on their admission requirements, but does anyone have a clearer picture of the criteria that UoG values the most? Any advice would really help a stressed junior!

14 days ago

The University of Georgia (UGA) uses a holistic review process, meaning they consider a variety of factors when evaluating applicants, not just academics. Here's an overview of what UGA values in its applicants:

1. Academics:

UGA highly values your academic performance in high school. They'll look at the rigor of your course load — the number of APS, honors, and IB classes you've taken in the context of what's offered at your school — alongside your grades. So, you should aim for a strong GPA in a rigorous course load. Additionally, while some colleges are moving towards test-optional policies, UGA is still accepting SAT or ACT scores for the 2024-2025 application cycle.

2. Extracurricular involvement:

UGA is interested in how you've been involved outside of the classroom. They look for students with long-term commitment to a few activities where they've shown significant involvement, passion, leadership, or accomplishment. They also appreciate students who have made a meaningful impact on their community. So, make sure to highlight your extracurricular activities, community service, and any leadership roles you've had.

3. Essays:

Your essays give UGA an opportunity to know you beyond your stats and activities. The application essays are the place to convey your personality and unique experiences. Make sure to tell compelling stories that provide insight into who you are as a person. Remember, authenticity wins in essays — so be sure to be genuine and thoughtful in your responses.

4. Recommendations:

UGA requires one counselor recommendation and one teacher recommendation. These recommendations provide insight into your character and potential to succeed in a university setting. Thus, reach out to a counselor and a teacher who know you well and can provide a strong, personalized recommendation.

5. As for more personal qualities, UGA values students who exhibit responsibility, integrity, perseverance, creativity, and empathy. They seek students who will contribute positively to their campus and community, so demonstrating these qualities in your application will make a positive impression.

Remember, while following these guidelines will help, there's no guaranteed formula for acceptance as UGA uses a holistic review. Best of luck with your application!

14 days ago

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