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How to check ACT scores?

Feeling a little frazzled and can't figure out how to login and check my ACT scores. Can someone walk me through it, please?

7 months ago

Sure, I'd be happy to guide you through the process of checking your ACT scores! Here are the steps:

1. Go to the official ACT website first.

2. Click on the "Sign In" button, which should be towards the top of the screen.

3. Enter your username and password to log into your account. If you've forgotten these details, there should be a prompt to help you recover your information.

4. Once signed in, you will be taken to your "MyACT" dashboard.

5. Look for a tab or section that says "Your Test Dates and Scores." Click on that.

6. You should see a list of all test dates you've registered for. Next to each date, there should be a link saying "View Your Scores."

Click the link for the test for which you'd like to view scores. Your composite score should show up immediately, and individual section scores usually appear below or to the side.

Please keep in mind that scores are typically available 10 days after the test date, but sometimes it can take up to 8 weeks for scores to be released. If you don't see your scores yet, this is likely because they have not been processed and released yet.

If you continue to experience issues accessing your scores, consider reaching out directly to the ACT customer service for further assistance. They can help you troubleshoot any login issues or discuss any potential delays in score release.

7 months ago

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