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How do I check my ACT score online?

Hey, I just took my ACT and I'm really anxious about my score. Could someone please tell me how to check it online? I've been poking around their site but can't seem to find my score. Any help will be appreciated, thanks!

7 months ago

In order to check your ACT scores, you'll need to log in to the ACT's official website where you registered for the test. Follow these steps:

1. Visit the ACT's website (

2. Click on the "Sign In" button, usually located in the top right corner of the homepage.

3. You'll then need to enter your ACT account credentials (username and password), which you created when you registered for the test.

4. After successfully logging in, find and click on "Your Test Dates and Scores" in the left sidebar or directly in the middle of the page.

5. You will then see a list of your test dates. Click on "View Scores" for the test date you are interested in.

Do keep in mind that ACT scores are not available immediately post-exam. It typically takes about 10 days for multiple-choice scores to be released, and it can take up to two weeks if you've taken the writing section.

Lastly, if you're not able to view your scores even after they should be reported, it's recommended to reach out to the ACT's support line for assistance. They can help troubleshoot any potential issues.

7 months ago

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