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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Trying to Understand the ACT-IQ Relationship

Hello, guys. I came across something interesting online: apparently, there's some kind of correlation between your ACT scores and IQ. Is there any truth to this? Any thoughts or insights would be super helpful!

4 months ago

Research has suggested a statistical correlation between standardized test scores like the ACT and IQ, but it's very important to remember that they measure different things.

An IQ test is designed to measure cognitive abilities such as pattern recognition, logical thinking, and problem-solving in the rawest sense. They are designed to be independent of acquired knowledge like vocabulary or math.

In contrast, the ACT is a test of learned skills, particularly in English, mathematics, reading, and scientific reasoning. These tests measure a student's preparation for college-level academics, not necessarily their underlying cognitive abilities.

Therefore, while there might be some correlation (i.e., someone with a high IQ might be more likely to score high on the ACT and vice versa), it doesn't mean there's a direct or causational relationship. For example, you might also see a correlation between ACT scores and income level, but that doesn't mean that having more money inherently makes someone smart or vice versa. It reflects a complex interplay of factors such as access to preparatory resources, quality education, and learning environment.

In essence, an ACT score can't tell you your IQ, just as an IQ test can't predict your ACT score. Both are best understood as tools that give different types of information about cognitive functions and academic abilities.

4 months ago

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