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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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AP Classes Preferred by Colleges: Any recommendations?

So the course registration for next year is coming up and I gotta ask, are there certain AP classes that colleges prefer or like to see on our transcripts? I've got a few in mind but I want to make sure I make the most of my junior and senior years. Thanks for any advice!

a year ago

Absolutely, it's fantastic that you're taking charge of your academic planning! While there's no one 'preferred' AP class for all colleges, taking AP courses related to your intended major can demonstrate both your interest and preparedness for that particular field. For example, if you are interested in engineering, taking AP Calculus and AP Physics can be especially pertinent.

On the other hand, colleges also value well-rounded students, so including AP courses in a variety of disciplines—like AP English Literature or AP World History—can be advantageous as well. It's also essential to strike a balance; you want to challenge yourself but not to the point of being overwhelmed. If you excel in certain subjects, taking AP classes in those areas can highlight your strengths. Overall, it’s more about the rigor of your schedule and your performance in these classes than any specific AP course. Best of luck with your course selection!

a year ago

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