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What kind of high school activities look good on college applications?

Hello everyone! I'm curious about what kind of extracurriculars or high school activities would look the best on a college application. Any suggestions from those who have been through the process?

2 months ago

Sure, it's a great question and one that many high school students are asking. The activities that "look good" on a college application can vary depending on the student's interests, future academic aspirations, the colleges they have in mind, and more.

Bear in mind that colleges are more interested in the depth of your involvement in extracurricular activities rather than the quantity. It's preferred that you pick a few activities that you're truly passionate about and commit to them, rather than joining lots of clubs just to fill your resume.

Extracurriculars can typically be classified into four tiers:

1. Tier 1: This includes impressive national or international level achievements, including winning national awards.

2. Tier 2: Still impressive, they involve activities that denote a high level of achievement and leadership, like being the president of the student body.

3. Tier 3: Though these aren't as prestigious as Tier 1 and 2 activities, they're important for highlighting your interests and dedication. Being a leader within a school club would fall into this tier.

4. Tier 4: These are the most common activities and include general participation in clubs, sports, or volunteer work.

Colleges are also interested in activities that align with your potential field of study. For instance, if you're planning on studying biology, schools would be keen to see involvement in Science Olympiad, a biology club, independent research, or other science-related activities.

Lastly, activities that demonstrate leadership, initiative, and commitment are appealing. For instance, starting a new club at your school or effectively leading an existing one shows initiative and leadership.

Remember that doing activities only because they "look good" might lead to a lackluster personal essay or lack of genuine stories to share during the interview. Your passion and dedication can often shine brighter than the activity's prestige.

Direct examples of activities that could benefit an application:

- Sports: Participation at a competitive or varsity level.

- Arts: Participation in orchestra, drama club, or creating portfolio-worthy pieces if visual arts-oriented.

- Leadership: Being a member of student council, leading a club.

- Community service: Consistent volunteering at a local organization or mission trips.

- Work: Holding a part-time job.

- Academics: Participating in academic competitions, clubs related to a prospective major.

Remember these are just examples, and there are many other activities that can reflect positively on your application. The most important thing is your genuine interest and commitment to the activity. If it's something you love doing, that will come through in your application and be appreciated by admissions officers.

2 months ago

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