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Any ACT English tips?

I'm taking the ACT soon, and English is definitely my weaker point. Anyone got any solid tips for nailing this part of the test? I've been studying like crazy but could use all the help I can get.

4 months ago

Absolutely, here are some strategies that have proven effective for many students:

1. Understand the test structure: The English section of the ACT tests you on usage/mechanics (punctuation, grammar, sentence structure) and rhetorical skills (strategy, organization, style). It consists of 5 passages with 75 questions to be answered in 45 minutes. Familiarize yourself with this structure.

2. Learn grammar rules: Brush up on basic grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure rules. It's quite common for the ACT English section to test you on the correct use of commas, apostrophes, and semicolons, as well as subject-verb agreement, verb tense, pronoun usage, and sentence fragments.

3. Understand the context: Each question is tied to a specific passage. Make sure you read and understand the passage's context before answering. It's not uncommon for answers to depend on the surrounding sentences or the passage as a whole.

4. Use Process of Elimination (POE): If you are unsure of an answer, try eliminating options that you're certain are incorrect. This narrows down your choices and increases your chances of selecting the correct answer.

5. Practice Active Reading: Engage with the passage. Try to catch grammatical errors and awkward phrasing as you read through it before diving into the questions.

6. Practice with timing: As you know, the ACT English section can be rather tight on time. Therefore, it is important to practice with time constraints in mind to ensure you can handle the pressure on test day.

7. Review your mistakes: Practice by taking some full-length, timed practice tests and review your mistakes after each one. Understanding why you got something wrong can prevent you from making the same mistake in the future.

Remember to take breaks in your study schedule and keep a positive mindset. Practice is crucial but so is rest and proper nutrition. Good luck!

4 months ago

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