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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How Many APs Should I Take in High School?

Hey people! I'm really wanting to make myself a strong candidate for colleges, and I heard taking a number of APs is a good idea. Can anyone suggest what's the ideal number of APs to take in high school?

2 months ago

It's great that you're considering your coursework strategically. The number of AP courses high school students should take largely depends on individual circumstances, including the academic rigor you can handle, the courses offered at your school, and the academic expectations of the colleges you're interested in.

In terms of maximizing your competitiveness for college applications, the general guideline is to challenge yourself with the most rigorous coursework available at your school, while also maintaining a strong GPA. This doesn't mean that you need to take every AP course offered, but demonstrating that you can excel in more difficult classes can be attractive to colleges.

Generally, successful applicants to top-tier colleges have taken around 7-12 AP courses throughout high school, but again, there's no magic number. It's not just about taking a bunch of APs to seem impressive—colleges would rather see you delve deeply into your areas of interest. They're more focused on your ability to perform well in challenging courses, and less on the exact number of AP classes you take.

Moreover, keep in mind that different high schools offer different numbers of AP classes. If your school only offers a few, colleges take that into account and will not penalize you. If you don’t have access to many AP courses, consider other ways to demonstrate academic commitment, such as taking community college or online courses or engaging in substantial independent research.

To conclude, focus on quality over quantity. Stretch yourself academically, but also ensure you have time to engage deeply in a few extracurriculars and maintain a balanced, healthy lifestyle. Each individual's optimal course load will vary based on their goals, capabilities, and circumstances.

2 months ago

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