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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Scoring in ACT: The highest possible?

Hi folks, hope you're doing well. I'm working on my ACT prep and was wondering, what is the highest ACT score you can get? I always want to aim for the stars, so it's good to know what the stars are! Thanks in advance.

4 months ago

Hello! The highest possible composite score for the ACT is a 36. It's definitely good to aim for the highest score possible, but it might also be helpful to determine the average scores of the colleges or universities you're interested in applying to so you have a particular range or target score to work towards. This can provide a good benchmark for your practice tests and can give you an idea of how well you need to perform to be a competitive applicant for the schools on your list. Keep in mind, while a good ACT score can certainly improve your college applications, it's only one component of your application. Good luck with your studies!

4 months ago

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