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Khan Academy for ACT prep

Hey everyone! As I'm starting to prep for the ACT, I was wondering if any of you have used Khan Academy to study for the ACT? How effective did you find it? Just trying to figure out how to maximize my study time here, any help would be great!

6 months ago

Although Khan Academy is known for its SAT prep resources, it doesn't specifically have a section for ACT preparation. That being said, there's definitely relevant content on the site that you can use for your ACT prep. Topics in Mathematics, English grammar, and Reading comprehension can be particularly useful. However, if you're looking specifically for ACT-focused resources, you might want to look into other platforms.

Kaplan and Princeton Review offer ACT-specific study resources, as does ACT's own online prep program. These platforms break down each section of the ACT and offer practice tests which can familiarize you with the test's format and question styles. An ACT prep book could be a good investment as well, providing comprehensive material with detailed explanations.

One thing to keep in mind is to not just focus on the materials, but also your study methodology. Regular practice, identifying your weak areas and focusing on them, and taking timed practice tests can be particularly beneficial. You might also consider joining a study group or finding a study partner, so you can motivate each other and discuss difficult concepts.

Remember, the best resource depends on your individual learning style and needs. All in all, Khan Academy can be a supplemental resource for the ACT, but you will likely need other sources for comprehensive and targeted ACT preparation. Good luck!

6 months ago

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