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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What extracurriculars do colleges prefer to see on applications?

Feeling a bit stressed about ECs here! Does anyone know what sorts of extracurricular activities colleges really like seeing on applications? I'm into drama and science olympiad but worried they might not be 'impressive' enough.

a year ago

Hello there! First of all, don't stress too much about trying to pick the 'right' extracurriculars. From my experience, having a child who successfully navigated the admissions process, colleges are looking for authenticity and passion more than any specific kind of activity. Drama and Science Olympiad sound fantastic because they demonstrate a breadth of interest and skills – performance and artistic abilities with drama, and analytical and problem-solving skills with Science Olympiad.

What's key is to show dedication over time and any leadership roles or accomplishments you've achieved. For example, my child was deeply involved in environmental club and robotics, neither of which might seem outstanding on their own, but they were able to demonstrate significant involvement and impact in these areas—including leading initiatives to promote sustainability in our community and mentoring younger students in robotics. That's what really made a difference.

So, continue to pursue your passions and look for ways to deepen your involvement or take on leadership positions. It's how you engage with your interests and what you achieve that will shine through on your applications, not necessarily the specific activity itself.

a year ago

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